Phone : +603-8957 8999

Time : Monday-Friday : 9:00am-6:00pm


Waterbased polyurethane waterproofing membrane


Topseal AQ 210 is a ready to use, liquid applied, elastic, waterbased, one component, polyurethane membrane.
Topseal AQ 210 is based on innovative of PUD resin which can provide a flexible, waterbased, polyurethane, total waterproofing protection, seamless and protect the concrete structure for long term.

Area Of Application

  1. R.C Flat Roof
  2. New and Old Roof
  3. Terrace, Balconies, Walkways
  4. Wet Area
  5. Bathroom, Kitchen
  6. Bridge Deck
  7. Tunnels


  1. Seamless
  2. Solvent free
  3. Waterbased
  4. Easy to apply
  5. Long lasting
  6. Crack bridging
  7. Love VOC content
  8. Technically innovative
  9. Waterbased polyurethane waterproofing product
  10. Suitable for waterproofing of exposed surface