Phone : +603-8957 8999

Time : Monday-Friday : 9:00am-6:00pm


Cementitious Polymer Waterproofing Coating


Topkrete Sealcoat 280 is a two components cementitious polymer latex modified waterproofing coating. It is applied to the concrete to prevent water penetration.

Area Of Application

  1. Bathroom
  2. Water Tank
  3. Terraces and Balcony
  4. Swimming Pool
  5. Retaining Wall
  6. Water Retaining Structure


  1. Easy to apply
  2. Good adhesion to concrete
  3. Frost and salt resistance
  4. Protection to concrete like carbonation
  5. Prevent water penetration
  6. Non-toxic
  7. Non corrosive
  8. Flexible and similar thermal expansion to concrete
  9. Allow concrete to breathe

Finishing Product Photo