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Elastomeric Liquid Waterproof Membrane


Topkrete Deckproof is a solvent-free synthetic rubber bitumen modified emulsion manufactured specifically with high-performance waterproofing applications. Topkrete Deckproof cures to form a highly elastic seamless waterproof membrane and formulated for use in many waterproofing applications.

Area Of Application

1-Waterproofing of roofs





6-Water features

7-Wet area

8-Swimming pools


1- Highly elastic, elongation greater than 1000%
2- Crack bridging, accommodates building movement.
3- Unbroken seal over whole of area.
4- Resistant to a wide range of atmospheric and temperature conditions.
5- Compatible with most solar reflective paints.
6- Vapor permeable allows substrate to breathe. Reduces possibility of
condensation in a building caused by conventional single ply sheet membranes.
7- May be applied to concrete, metal, corrugated cement based roofs, woods etc.
8- Solvent free. Non-flammable. Environmentally friendly.
9- Does not contain asbestos.
10- May be mixed with sand and cement to provide waterproof mastic topping.

Finishing Product Photo