Phone : +603-8957 8999

Time : Monday-Friday : 9:00am-6:00pm


Self Smoothing Polyurethane Mortar (HACCP Certified)


A water dispersed self smoothing polyurethane mortar system applied at thickness of 3 – 6mm. Cures to give a hygienic layer with an easy to clean smooth matt finish. Product certified by HACCP.

Area Of Application

1- Medium to Heavy Duty Industrials

2- Food Industry Dry Pr0cess Areas

3- Food and Drink Packing Areas

4- Food and Drink Storage Areas

5- Tobacco Processing

6- Chemical Production and Storage

7- Pharmaceutical Production and Storage


1- Minimum downtime – tolerant of substrate moisture
and fast curing
2- Non-tainting
3- Hygienic – will not support bacterial growth
4- Easy to clean (can be steam cleaned)
5- Extremely tough and hard wearing
6- Highly temperature and thermal shock resistant
7- Highly impact resistant
8- Resistant to almost all chemicals
9- Non-dusting

Finishing Product Photo