Phone : +603-8957 8999

Time : Monday-Friday : 9:00am-6:00pm


Single Component Polyurethane Waterproofing Membrane


CAPAPROOF PU is a single-component, aromatic, solvent-based, moisture-curing polyurethane liquid that produces a continuous elastic membrane that adheres fully to the substrate without joints or overlaps and is 100% watertight and waterproof, with properties that make it excellent for application on all types of surfaces in new-build and refurbishment projects alike. it may be applied manually with a short-nap roller, brush or notched trowel, or using specific electrical equipment in sone exceptional cases. It is CE marked on the basis of a Declaration of Performance (DoP) drawn up in accordance with EU Regulation 305/2011.

Area of Uses:

  1. Flat weight-bearing roofs, terraces, balconies and pitched roofs.
  2. Inverted roofs (with lower section insulation).
  3. Structural concrete slabs and floors, as well as foundations and walls.
  4. Swimming pools, ponds, aquariums and marine environments.
  5. Landscaped roofs (pursuant to current ETE).
  6. Inclined or flat roofs made of corrugated metal sheets, fibre cement, asbestos or similar (in combination with polyurethane foam).
  7. Protection of polyurethane foam thermal insulation system.


  1. Shelf life of 25 years with classification W3
  2. Suitable for green roofs
  3. Easy application with trowel/roller