Phone : +603-8957 8999

Time : Monday-Friday : 9:00am-6:00pm


Dual-Component Polyurethane Waterproofing Membrane


Capaproof PU W is a Dual-component polyurethane waterproofing membrane, without solvents (suitable for contact with drinking water). It is 100% solids, dual-component polyurethane elastomer that produces a waterproof, aromatic, continuous, elastic, thixotropic membrane that adheres completely to the substrate without joints or overlaps as well as being 100% watertight, with properties that make it excellent for application in areas that must be watertight, not exposed to sunlight, and in contact with water for human consumption.

Area of Application:

  1. Tanks
  2. Reservoirs or Container Elements
  3. Concrete Substrates
  4. Area that is contact with potable water (not exposed to UV rays)


  1. Solvent free
  2. Approved for contact with drinking water
  3. High elasticity
  4. High performance