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Aliphatic Polyurethane Waterproofing Coating


Elastomeric waterproofing coating made of aliphatic polyurethane water-based elastomeric polyurethane for roofs, for use when mechanical durability and excellent waterproofing properties are required. It forms a film that is impervious to moisture, resistant to UV rays and mechanical stress.

Area of Application:

1- Concrete roofs, hydraulic tiles, cementitious screeds.

2- Weight-bearing roofs where high resistance to standing water is required.

3- Metallic surfaces.

4- Over new or old liquid waterproofing membranes.

5- Over PU foam insulation for protection.

6- On mineral bituminous membranes.


1- Great elongation mechanical resistance.

2- Excellent resistance to standing water.

3- Certified cool roofing properties (for white color shade)

4- Idea waterproofing solution for weight-bearing roofs.

5- Durable resistance to UV radiation and adverse weather conditions.

6- Remains elastic over a wide temperature range from -15°C to +80°C.

7- No signs of blisters or craters on the surface during the curing phase.

8- Increased hardness and crack bridging properties.

9- Also applicable in cloudy weather conditions.

10- Environmentally friendly and easy to use (water-based, single-component).

11- Long service life assured.

Info +:

– Hybrid Polyurea

– Trowel or Roller Application

– Cold Application

– High Mechanical Performance