CAPAGEL FLEX COLOR 0-5 is a gel grout, whose benefits are those of a cement-based tile grout classified according to UNE EN 13888 as CG2 WA.
High color strength and resistance. Great waterproofing power. Easy to apply and clean. Besides, the ‘stop powder’ ensures the health at work by reducing around 95% the air-suspended powder emission. It comes in a range of 30 colors. It is an antibacterial tile grout and a natural fungicide. Eco-friendly and recyclable. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use, in swimming pools, glass mosaic “Gresitte”. Very low emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC). Its special composition allows you to obtain a higher product yield, by consuming less kg per m2 of application.
Area of Uses:
Grouting from 0 to 5 mm of high strength with low water absorption and extremely fine finishing. Suitable for grouting gres porcelain stoneware, low thickness slabs, all type of ceramic tiles, clinker, terracotta, glass mosaic and ceramic of any type and format. Natural stone, marble, etc. Floors and walls, indoor and outdoor of normal use, commercial and industrial, heavy traffic environments, swimming pools and fountains, and areas subject to sudden changes in temperature.
1- CAPAGEL technology
2- Reduced consumption
3- Increased yield
4- Stop powder
5- Full application warranty
6- Eco-friendly